Tuesday, December 19, 2017

My Trainer Thinks He's So Smart!

It's the holidays and also I've been overloaded from taking care of my uncle after his spectacular fall at his house. I'm not one of those people who thrives on stress and keeping a hectic schedule. I like a nice easy pace and I love my time alone to recharge.

But I refuse to give up my training time now. My training session today was very fun as usual, but I had to really work and I was sweating and pushing.

Of course, my smarty pants trainer notices and figures out everything and knew that I haven't been eating right and that's why my body wasn't able to give what it normally could.

I wanted to blame him for working me too hard, but that can be our little secret. Of course, he was right. It is the holidays and my brother and my nephew are in town and I've been eating different stuff than normal.

I've tried to order well, but I haven't had fries or chips since March and I had fries and chips in the last 3 days with my otherwise smartly ordered choices.

Usually I just don't order the fries or the chips, but they came with the meals. I should have said, don't bring them!!!

I've been doing great as far as sugar goes. I stay away from desserts and cookies and candy, but I need to stay away from salty chips and fries and cheese and things that make me tired and make me have pain and add pounds.

It's funny how it's the small things that make the big difference with so many things in life. It's not the big choices, it's the small choices over time. But it's also those little lessons that we learn. So thanks to Mr. Smarty Pants, I learned a good lesson before the New Year!! Happy New Year!

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