Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Next Level Shit!

I thought I was pretty much blogged out for a while about training, but no. I'm a blabbermouth blogger! To my trainer Khris:

I already knew that I loved my training. I have more energy and I have less pain. I'm happy with my weight loss and wearing regular size clothes. It seemed like the hard work is behind me. Not true. The hard work is really still in front of me.

I've found that it's actually easier to work at things when the results seem so dramatic and so far away. It seems like it's getting harder now that the results seem smaller and less visible. They are truly inner results. I go weeks now without losing pounds. But I gain muscle and I gain energy and confidence and I'm having fun and making small improvements and maintaining.

But maintenance is a deceiving word. I'm not just maintaining. I'm still improving. If I wasn't doing training, I would just be maintaining. Training is some next level shit. I don't do the same workout every session. Even the sit ups and leg lifts aren't the same each time.

You have me do crazy stuff with steps and ropes and machines and bouncing balls while doing lunge lines. It's something different every time. And I'm different every time. I would never do this for myself. Even if I knew how. You are my coach. I need you.

I know I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing because I had to rest last week after going out and doing things every day.

I hit a little tired wall. I hit a wall after going out EVERY day during a week! I also had another emotional release that made no sense during that rest day after not having one of those for a while.

That means I'm moving forward! I'm ready for the next level shit! I'm so glad I have someone who believes in me in a way that takes me there.

Khris, you inspire me! I can look at you and say, Because of you, I didn't give up."

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