Tuesday, March 20, 2018

My Cheerleader

Yesterday I went to a new class in the evening. It was a cardio drill class. It was similar to the Friday class I go to, but a little more cardio minutes than strength. And I usually work out in the morning when the gym is pretty empty and not so filled with the humidity of the sweat of the day in the air.

I love classes and I learned from the 80s and 90s aerobics divas at dive Chicago gyms and Bally's and VHS tapes! You do what you can and if you can't keep up, you march in place for a bit or do a basic step until you can join in again. And I love doing exercise to the music.

I was doing okay, but I was running out of steam pretty early in the class after trying to do actual jumping jacks and trying some of the higher impact steps.

At some point I realized Khris was at the other side of the room training with someone and I caught his eye. I could tell he could see I was out of breath. He gave me a silent signal to go get some water as I shook my head letting him know it was a little tough. So I did.

But I also got a shot of energy from him from across the room. I felt like he was cheering for me! Even if he knew other people in the class, I felt like he was giving me special vibrations.

When I went out to get water later in the class, Khris was near the water fountain by a machine with his client training. He stepped away from his client for a second to come and talk to me.

He told me to pace myself and take that corner of the room and make it mine. He said I didn't see it, but I was doing great. He said not to let the room psyche me out. He said when the push-ups minute came, I was the only one in the room to do full push-ups until I couldn't do anymore and then I went to my knees. The rest of the room did the whole minute on their knees. He was proud of me.

I went to another class this morning and we did some circuits. When I did the battle ropes, I heard someone whisper, those are high! And Mike, the teacher, said, yeah, that's the point.

I was proud of myself, but more so I was proud for my trainer! I don't compete with people! I'm very yoga! I don't want to be better than anyone else. I am always in my own space. I don't watch other people.

BUT! I do love that people know that I train with Khris and that the training pays off. And I always think my battle ropes are ugly, but maybe they are getting pretty! I like making Khris proud. And even Mike told me he was proud of me after class. I like having cheerleaders!

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you! I'm also so happy you have an amazing trainer! ✌❤
