Friday, December 29, 2017

Closing out 2017

2017 was a year filled with surprises. I usually hate surprises. I mean hate surprises. Though I generally think of surprises as things that are sprung on me that I have no control over that cause a lot of spotlight on me. These things were maybe more unexpected cool things that just happened or decisions I made that I didn't see coming. And I definitely did not hate them!

I started the year decluttering my closets and getting rid of things and focusing on the present moment.

Surprise. My apartment building decided to renovate and raise prices and kick people out. I found that out from a neighbor.

Surprise. My brother decided to buy a condo for me and renovate it and rent it out to me. He bought it in March and it would be renovated and ready by July when my lease would be up.

Surprise. In March I decided to lose weight. It actually worked. I started losing about 2 pounds a week. I found a great yoga studio that I have been able to go back to time and time again because I always need yoga to be grounded. Yoga is so important and I always need to return to it. It's a great studio. I went in April a little and I'm going back again now once a week. They also have cool gong meditations from time to time.

Surprise. Season 7 of The Walking Dead ended and, after 2 years of really being engrossed in it, I decided to end my time writing for Undead Walking and running their Twitter and really focus on myself and my move and my body.

By the time my apartment was ready I had very little to move that I didn't need or love. I absolutely adore my new place. I feel like a princess here! A tomboy, casual princess, but you get the idea!  It's so uncluttered and clear and clean and bright and happy.

Surprise. August. I decided I was ready to move my body more and do some yoga and workout a little. I met Khris, my personal trainer and life coach. Biggest surprise ever!! I gained a genuine friend and soul connection, which I don't do very easily or often, and my pain almost disappeared. I work hard and rest hard and I feel more connected to life than I have in years.

Surprise. I learned all sorts of valuable lessons all through the year during all of these times I've spent with my family and friends and by myself.

Going into 2018, I expect to continue to get stronger and, hopefully, lose some more weight. I expect to gain a little more energy as I focus on living in the present. Other than that, I plan to be open to more unexpected gifts and lessons.

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