Sunday, December 31, 2017

My word for 2018: Stomp!


It's New Year's Resolution time. I just read a cool article on alternatives to resolutions. One idea was to choose a word for the year. Something to remind you of your focus. A word that can help you think about what's important to you.

That's so much deeper and more meaningful and less quantifiable. People usually say quantifying makes a goal better. but in some cases, it makes it a way to set yourself up for giving up. This is more interesting because it lets you just keep picking yourself up and moving toward your word. There's no failure.

My word came to me somehow as I went through words that were too fancy sounding or too narrow and didn't really mean anything to me that inspired me. STOMP! 

Stomp to me has nothing to do with being aggressive or pushy. It means I want to be confident. I want to get stronger. I want to keep stomping my fears.

I like the image of me doing my Bosu Burpees that I learned to do properly yesterday. I was doing them wrong before. I was jumping with my legs too close and too light on my toes, which was hurting my poor little shins. When I learned to jump with my feet apart and really stick it, nothing hurt and they became fun! Stomp!! 

I like the image of Snoopy stomping around with his straight arms. It's happy. Kirk Franklin holy ghost stomping is happy!! I want to happy stomp!! 

I want to confidently stomp on my own worries with a smile and not care what other people think. I want to do it in a very non-nonchalant way, not an aggressive way that brings that aggressive energy back to me. I want the happy, light, carefree energy. Stomping is carefree! 

Brooding, assuming, over-thinking, worrying, pacifying, pleasing, second-guessing, explaining, defending, giving up, giving away, those are all careful and not carefree.

If you let aggression out, not out on other people, just out, sometimes what seems aggressive is actually very healthy and easy and allows you to let go of of all of those things instead of letting that aggression turn inward. Letting your muscles store it. 

So I'm going to Stomp in 2018. I'm going to get stronger, more confident, happier, and more honest! 


  1. I love this!! Okay, you've inspired me to choose my word for 2018. Since I want to focus on my health this year, I like the word ROBUST! I looked it up in the dictionary and every description is how I want to be in 2018. I want to be strong, well-rounded, sturdy, healthy. I'm not going to attribute it to my weight, but actually embrace my body and work with it instead of against it. R.J. My new nickname will be R.J for Robust Jenelle! Lol

    1. You go, RJ!! I love the word idea. It allows for your goal to grow so much bigger than it would be if you made it by itself. It can grow all year to accommodate things as they make sense and as surprises and unexpected things come up. Setbacks won't be setbacks anymore, they will be opportunities to figure out ways to get back to your word!!
