Monday, February 19, 2018

No, New York Times, Yoga Pants Are Not Bad for Women

Oh, why are women so hard on each other? A New York Times article today talked about how yoga pants are bad for women because of some crazy thing about how we're not wearing them to be cooler or more comfortable, we are wearing them to be sexy and it's just another place in our lives where we're to be pressured to be sexy.

She claims that sweatpants are cooler and more comfortable and that she gets looks from other women when she wears her sweatpants.

First of all, I really doubt that she gets looks for wearing sweatpants. Secondly, I imagine some women wear leggings and yoga pants because they want to look sexy in their exercise clothes, but I disagree that sweatpants are cooler and more comfortable than yoga pants. The fleece inside of sweatpants is HOT! And I sweat. A lot!

Yoga pants and leggings are extremely comfortable. And they absorb the sweat as I work out. The sweat doesn't drip down my legs with the sweatpants fabric flapping around loosely.

When I'm actually doing yoga. The yoga pants are actually helpful in checking the mirrors for how my poses look. And even though I would prefer to wear looser shirts, I wear tighter shirts or I tuck in my shirt at yoga because when I am in downward facing dog, a looser shirt falls down onto my chin and I can't see what I'm doing.

I agree that the prices of some of the yoga pants are outrageous, but I think that any hobby or sport has its levels of gear and accessories that go with it depending on how into it the practitioners become.

So if you want to wear a sweatshirt and sweatpants on the treadmill, I don't think anyone cares. If you are like me and want to wear inexpensive, plain yoga pants and leggings with inexpensive graphic tee shirts, I'm pretty sure nobody cares.

And there are the gym girls who wear the really cute leggings and sports bras and I sure don't care. I don't think any of the options are bad for women.

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