Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Revisiting The Anti-Goal: Next Level Shit

Back in January, I wrote a post called Process: The Anti-Goal. There are times when having a specific goal can be helpful and appropriate. But there are times when the goal can be just the process itself and having a specific goal can just get in the way. It can cause frustration and stress instead of being motivating.

I am at the one year mark after deciding to lose weight and change things in my life. The number is so irrelevant as far as a goal, but it seems like what people want to know. They always ask how much did you want to lose? Even now when I say I've lost 65 pounds, my mom asks what's your goal now? How much more do you want to lose?

I honestly say, I have no idea. I just know I'm happy where I am, but I still want to continue to lose and keep working out and getting stronger. I really don't care about a number. I'd like to lose some of the weight on my triceps area and some of my stomach area. But even that isn't a "goal" that I'm obsessed about.

When I first started, I wrote down my weight every morning. I wrote down the calories of everything I ate every day. I don't do either of those things anymore.

Because I took things slowly and I was patient, I am not worried that not writing things down is slipping. Not writing things down is because I know I have developed good habits that will serve me and I make better choices automatically without having to force myself to make them. #nextlevelshit

My goal is what the motivational posters always's not a diet, it's a lifestyle. If I eat good things, it's because that's part of my lifestyle. If I take a walk or workout or do something active, it's because it's part of my lifestyle. I am not doing things because they are part of a goal or a checklist to get to a finish line. This is just my lifestyle.

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