Monday, July 16, 2018

When In Doubt, Clean!

Last night I read a little book I had on my Kindle. I've accumulated lots of little free books on my Kindle. I have been a little funky the last few weeks without exercising and I was looking for a little something to give me a boost.

This book was called Powerful Minimalist Mindset. It wasn't fantastic, but it gave me a little mantra to help me. When in doubt, clean!

It was about 5 steps to clearing the clutter in your mind. It started with clearing physical clutter. It's interesting how many places I've encountered the clearing of physical clutter in books that are not about that.

I've read books about saving money that begin with cleaning your house. I've read books about success that begin with cleaning your house. I started my own New Year New Me road in 2017 with the idea of focusing on living in the present and that started with cleaning my house, decluttering and organizing.

It is interesting to look at decluttering as a way of grounding yourself. A way of keeping yourself in the present moment. A form of meditation. Just reading about it and thinking about it made me feel lighter and less funky.

I went to yoga today and got my stitches out. Just being out and doing yoga and thinking about doing a little maintenance clearing and cleaning of my house and my closet was enough to change my mood considerably. It was pretty remarkable. The power of now.

My mind had been getting cluttered while I couldn't exercise. The mind and the body are connected.

Next time I feel like I am getting cobwebs in my brain or I'm overthinking or overfeeling, and can't get in a workout, I have another alternative that will ground me into the present moment that I need to remember. When in doubt, clean!

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