Monday, October 30, 2017

I'm so fluffy I'm gonna die!

I found out I'm a unicorn!! I've never been fond of unicorns in posters and things;  they're a little too fantasy looking for me, but I love the metaphor now. My trainer told me that about once a year he gets a unicorn and, yep, you guessed it!!

He said as a trainer, sometimes you will get a person that just gets it. Who comes in and is serious. Who has pushed away all the smoke in front of them and is ready. And other people wonder why they don't get the same magic. He said that as the coach he wants that for everyone, but the coach can't want it more than the player. 

It made me think of the 85 Bears. It was just magic. I remember when they made the Super Bowl Shuffle. People thought it was cocky. It wasn't cocky. They just knew. I feel the same way. I just know. 

The Super Bowl Shuffle from John Wholespice on Vimeo.

On the topic of getting it. I had the funniest experience today during my workout. I was doing my sit-ups and during the second round, I was having a hard time. He had told me not to just lay there if I was having a hard time. I finally get what he means now. I always thought it was bad if you didn't do all your reps in one "go". He said, get up, walk around and come back. He means every time! If it takes 2 or 3 times to get my 15 in, then so be it. He said-you ever see those guys in the gym stomping around and then they go back and do the last ones...

So I got up and stomped around! hahaha! He said, Yes! and waited and looked around casually. I know he was trying not to laugh! And then I did one and couldn't do another. Damn! So I got up and walked around a little bit while he waited. Then I knocked out the last 5. #winning  Then we went on to do some other stuff. #gymlife

So, today I found out I'm a unicorn and Otis Wilson! Not a bad morning.

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