Wednesday, June 19, 2019


I've been doing some interesting things lately. Zen tarot card readings, New Moon Astrology reading, Ayurvedic medicine reading. It all sounds like stuff many people would say is crazy stuff that is just made up. For the purpose of what I'm writing about it's irrelevant if it's real or made up. It's helpful to take the signs you get and work with them.

In Ayurvedic medicine, I am Pitta dosha and I had read about that idea years ago and about the foods I should eat and avoid, etc. to balance that dosha. But I only just recently understood some things that can really help me to use that concept to help me practically in my life.

I was told by someone whom I just met that I was wearing a bracelet that had lava stones and I should be careful with that because I was already a fiery person. I had never thought of myself as fiery. It seems such a negative thing. But I am. I only got the lava stones because they are porous and I could put essential oils in them. She told me to get watery stones like pearls to balance my fire.

When you read about the doshas, your qualities can seem negative. But that's not the point. The negatives are only when your dosha is out of balance. If you avoid some of the foods and try to do some of the things that it recommends, you are in balance and it's not a bad thing.

For me, I think I've always naturally balanced my diet by avoiding spicy foods because my stomach can't handle them. But my digestive problems came from other things like greasy, heavy foods that put me out of balance.

Something I found in my most recent search about Pitta dosha is routine. I've found that when I don't have a good routine, especially for long periods of time, the fire comes out. I get crabby and irritable and emotional and exhausted. When I think about my childhood, I was fire then, too. I was a stomper. I stomped up the stairs all the time. I was probably overstimulated and exhausted.

In a moon energy astrology article, it talked about things happening in January having an effect on what's going on now. I looked back at my January blog and I wrote about craving routine and needing to focus on the process and living in the present again.

It talked about events from mid April to mid-may being important. That was a huge time of turmoil for me. I'm still dealing with the aftermath of that and figuring things out. Now I'm not saying that as a way to "prove" that it's correct. We can always fit our lives into the astrology. I'm saying who cares if it's correct or not. Why not use it to help us organize and determine ways to help ourselves?

Why not let the signs we find in the world around us help us use our own intuition to take steps to take care of ourselves in the ways we know we need to in order to best honor ourselves so we can experience more joy and gratitude and take more action to be more compassionate with ourselves and others.

Why fight everything? Why not balance it instead? I am fire! There's nothing wrong with fire. I just need lots of water to balance me. Fire is beautiful and so is water. I need to embrace them both. Find the balance so I don't burn up or drown. That's all.

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