Thursday, March 8, 2018

This Tour Keeps Getting Better and Better!

I like that analogy for my training. The tour does keep getting better and better! And I don't have to think about it ending and going home ever. It is a never-ending tour! You never get home-sick and want to go home. You're already home, but always on vacation at the same time! It's every awesome thing and oxymoron and paradox and mixed metaphor there is. It's Peter Pan and The Rock.

My workouts are getting tougher and easier at the same time. They are getting more challenging and more fun at the same time. The sit-ups that used to be hard are now my active rest.

I am doing 5 pull-ups with Khris pushing on the bottom of my foot for the last 2 instead of holding me by my waist and helping me up.

Khris is a closet introvert. He is not really an introvert in the true sense. I think he is energized by people. But he is a quiet soul. He doesn't shine spotlight on himself or on you in a way that points out your improvements. He lets them sit there. He lets you figure them out. He's an introvert's best friend. He's an observer.

He really does believe in you in a way that is not false. It somehow allows you to find your way. I did the coolest looking thing today--battle rope burpees. I still can't do pretty burpees; I have to have wide legs.

I can't propel my body weight back behind me yet. But I can do them better than when I started. I don't just step back anymore. I jump back. But I was insecure about jumping back from the floor and not the higher level of a step or a BOSU.

I don't usually question, but he said, talk to me. He told me he knew I could do it, I was just unsure and to just push myself back even if they landed short, just land short and jump back in. By the time I got to 15, I was tired and my legs were nice and crooked in a Janet Jackson Rhythm Nation pose. But I was doing them.

I'm pretty sure I got a good smirk from him as he stood behind me where I couldn't see him. I like that. I like the smirk.

I usually get a smirk when I am smirking in my own head the whole time, too--because I think it's pretty slick what I'm doing.

He had me do 8 more of those at the end of the workout. He told me he thought I surprised myself more than I surprised him. He said he wasn't surprised at all.

I have always enjoyed classes and even DVDs or other structured workouts more than trying to go to the gym and do things like the treadmill or workout on my own or even walking around my neighborhood when I used to walk for exercise.

I still love my yoga classes and I like one class at the gym. But I also had every misconception that is out there about personal training. Boy was I wrong.  Personal training is the best tour ever!! And it keeps getting better and better!

Meet Khris!

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