Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Easier Said Than Done

Say what, KBuddah? Khris posted today and always says how useless the phrase easier said than done is. It really is. It sort of proves the actions speak louder than words and talk is cheap phrases.

But easier said than done keeps us in denial. It's a way to admit that whatever is being talked about is indeed true or favorable or desirable, but it requires work and action and effort. It requires a change in habits or attitude and we really aren't in the mood for all that right now so we just toss out easier said than done.

Everything is easier said than done. And I'm not judging. Everyone's priorities are different at different times. Denial is a powerful coping mechanism. Goals can seem overwhelming and we can become paralyzed by the magnitude of what we think is ahead.

If we can figure out what small action doesn't seem easier said than done, and  not worry about ever getting to the ideal, we can stop tossing that phrase around so much and just keep doing and doing.

What's the worst that could happen?

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