Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Today's Training: No more baggy clothes, support and some lists

I told my trainer today that I've hit 50 pounds down. He was nonchalant as always and said great and asked me what I was looking to lose. I said maybe 20-25 more. He repeated the number almost making me feel like it was too much--He's always so real. I told him that the number isn't that important, I just wanted to lose a little more of my stomach and my flabby triceps. He told me that was diet and it would happen in time.

He did tell me that I had changed so much since the day I walked in and met him. That surprised me because I've only lost 10 pounds since I met him. I hit a month long plateau during the time I've been training.

He said he noticed it today though especially. I said that's because I'm not wearing my old clothes. I'm wearing too small clothes that I got for the future. He said, "NO, you're wearing clothes that fit. I'm gonna call you out on that from now on. No more baggy clothes!"

I'm not used to wearing clothes that let my upper arms show or let my stomach and upper legs show. He told me that I need to embrace my body. That I'm a woman and I can't wear baggy clothes anymore.

My trainer is so good for me. Today we did some crazy stuff on some machines, but he always has me so supported in every way. I never feel embarrassed or vulnerable. I was doing lunges off of the machine with my hands in straps and I lost my balance and he just caught me in an inconspicuous way and we smiled and then adjusted my position on the plank and he stood behind me with his fingers supporting me so I could lean back and do the lunges properly without being tentative.

Khris spends time with me after training and we talk about stuff. He talked about how training is about mind and body and creating your soul.

He gave me some homework. He said he wanted me to write lists of what I wanted in people and relationships and friendships in my life. What do I want from them physically, mentally and what kinds of activities do I want to do with them.

The way he looks at it, if you don't know what you want, you won't be able to let the people in your life know what you expect or need from them and that's where miscommunication and other problems come up. You can't get what you want if you don't know what you want and don't let people know what you want.

So today, I decided to stop wearing my old baggy clothes to workouts, I enjoyed a fun workout with the support of my trainer and I made some lists.


  1. That's great, Susan!! I have problems wearing clothes that hug my body, but I know that will change once I get some confidence. Baby steps, right?

  2. My motto is tortoise power!! Baby steps is right!!
