Thursday, September 14, 2017

Zen and the Art of Personal Training

It's September! One of my favorite times of year. It used to be the time of year when I would go back to work and it would be the beginning of a brand new school year for me and my new students. Now it's the beginning of a brand new year for me.

If I'm not careful, I can forget that fall is an entire season and worry that it ushers in winter, which is okay at the beginning, but is also the hardest time of the year for me from January to April. See what I mean? January to April and it's only September!!

It's my first September in my amazing new apartment. I've been able to maintain my place as far as keeping it neat and clean. I still have a few little projects, but I could have someone come over at any time and it's never messy. I don't have anything I don't need. No clutter!

I've been reading more. I've been on my porch (balcony). I went kayaking one day! I have some luxurious yoga pants for working out! I have a very minimal wardrobe of simple clothes that fit me that I like that I can keep up with washing. And I haven't been in a flare or in true Fibro pain the way I'm used to being in quite some time. I still have fatigue issues, but why even consider that right now. I don't have the normal Fibro pain. It's there if I touch. It didn't go anywhere. But it's not flaring.

So where did it go? My personal trainer took it away.

In August, I joined the cheap gym near me so I could go to yoga classes for only $20 a month instead of $20 a class at the cool studio. I figured I could go to yoga and maybe there would be other classes I might like--I was hoping for a step class and maybe some strength classes with weights. I love classes. I had lost some weight and was ready to add something to help get me out of the house and have a structured workout. I still didn't think I was ready for anything strenuous. I was still very tired all the time and my body really hurt.

So the first time I headed to the gym with my yoga mat for the class and to get my little ID card, there was a sign on the door that the yoga teacher had suddenly quit and there would be no more yoga until they were able to get a new instructor. Oh, well. So, I sat at the registration desk to get my picture taken and get my little scanner card and they said I got a free personal training assessment that I could do right then instead seeing as the yoga class was cancelled and she called over the trainer guy.

Oh, shit. I thought. I do not want a personal trainer. I can't afford a personal trainer and I hate spotlight and tons of questions and I don't want someone yelling at me and telling me everything I'm doing is all wrong and blah, blah, blah, internal dialog. So the guy was pretty nice and he talked to me and he started a few things and he shared his philosophies. But then something else happened. He found every single tight spot and knot in my body and dug into it and had me do things to stretch and work.

There was something about him that just clicked with me. He talked about yoga. He had Buddha tattoos and tattoos of cool phrases and the lotus flower. 

There was just something that was telling me to do this. I signed up for twice a week for 3 months.

Personal training. I don't know how anyone else's personal training works. I don't know how he works with his other clients. I don't know how other personal trainers are. This is my experience with personal training and why it's nothing like I thought it would be and why it's not the training that is the key word, it's the word personal.

As an introvert, I usually like to be invisible when I go places. I don't like a lot of spotlight on me. I'm no good in groups, especially when there are a lot of people watching me or paying attention to me. But I can be very comfortable in one on one situations. Personal training is one on one. If I didn't like my trainer, it would be torture. I would have to be self-conscious and have a persona. But I love him. I can be myself. I'm not trying to please him. I am not in public persona mode. I'm able to be me.

Personal. As an introvert and a sensitive person. I'm usually paying attention to the needs of others and conscious of the energy in the room When I'm being trained, I'm the focus! It's really nice to have someone give me attention for 30-45 minutes for a change. I don't have to give back. It's my time. He's there for me. He's helping me. He wants good things for me. He's making sure my elbows are tucked in and my feet are in the right place and the weight is heavy enough or light enough for me!

Zen and the art of personal training. My personal trainer has this part mastered!! He doesn't motivate by yelling. He doesn't motivate by too many words. He doesn't motivate by telling me he's proud of me. He motivates me by being quiet. He motivates me by giving me things to do that I know are challenging for me. I know he's not babying me because of my age or my size or my illness. He motivates me by listening to me. He tells me stories when I ask him questions, but he doesn't preach.

I can hop on the bike and warm up and zone out for some cardio, but personal training is zen. It's yoga. It's present moment. I look forward to every session I have. My muscles feel challenged. My spirit feels free. My mind is awake.

It's September! New beginnings. I'm about to hit the 50 pound weight loss mark. That's just a number though, just like age.  I feel great. I'm happier in my body and happy with where I am in my life.

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