Friday, May 28, 2021

Appreciating Training After The Lockdown

The pandemic threw some curve balls at everyone. In the long run, for me personally, I have had some very positive changes during this time. It started with some loneliness and soul searching. Some self-help reading. Some walking. Lots of screen time and then some baby steps with some new routines and some experimenting. 

I added meditation, outdoor walking. Yoga and training flip flopped from outdoors to zoom to in-studio to back to zoom, to back to studio to zoom and on and on. 

I discovered that I like doing zoom restorative yoga a few nights a week in my home. I like walking outside again even in the winter. I love challenging yoga in the studio, but not on zoom. I don't like getting out of bed without a few minutes of meditation. 

I loved my zoom training during the lockdown when there was nothing open. I also walked outside. The outdoors and seeing Khris saved me from my loneliness. Outdoor training during the summer was heaven. Outdoors and people!! 

In the fall, when the yoga studios were open again, I didn't need to go back to zoom training. Not because I didn't need the training, but because I was in my apartment all the time. Getting out of the house and seeing my yoga teachers and other people in person helped me more. So I did tons of yoga and less training. 

Now that things are getting back to normal a little, I need to get back to training. Not for pandemic reasons, but because I need the actual training!! I love my meditation. I love my yoga. My walking. My restorative yoga. But I miss my training. 

Khris has been training people out of Planet Fitness as well as Zoom. So I joined Planet Fitness and Yay!! I trained on Tuesday and today (Friday) and wow! It's so great to get back to training. 

Khris is really a great trainer! His workouts are so special! He makes them very efficient and just for you and your needs. They make sense. They are quick and effective. Nobody in that gym is doing what we do. It's not just going through motions. More is not better. 

I can tell he does things in an order and for a reason. I did 5 walkouts, BUT after some triceps and arm work and those walkouts were better strength and cardio work than those people leaning on stair-climbers were doing! 

When Khris says it's more than a workout or change your mindset and mind/body, he's not just talking. Your mind has to change for your body to change. When you are mindlessly doing workouts, nothing is really happening. 

When I am doing a training workout, I am in the moment. I am out of my head. I am not making a grocery list. I am focused on the work. On my muscles. I am letting my muscles and my body know I am taking care of them. They get the message that they can relax and they can do the work without fear or stress about other things. They are working together: mind and body. It actually means something. 

When training with KBuddah, he pays attention to what I am doing. He's my coach. He sees if I need to move my feet or adjust my stance. He adjusts the seat or the weight. It's progressive. It's not just going through the motions. It's training. 

I'm so lucky that I found him 4 years ago. I would never go to a gym any other way. It feels great to be back to training. Thank you, Khris, for coming to the gym today just for me. I appreciate my training more than ever now. 

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