Saturday, April 21, 2018

My Fibro Whisperer

There used to be a commercial for a perfume with the slogan, If you want to capture someone's attention, whisper. Whispers are soft. Whispers are private. You have to pay attention to hear a whisper. Whispers communicate without assuming, presuming or overpowering.

We know the idea of the horse whisperer and the dog whisperer who train and communicate with animals through compassionate methods. They calm, tame and encourage. They train with love. With their presence.

My trainer is my Fibro Whisperer. He has tamed, and calmed my Fibro through his compassion and encouragement. With his love. With his presence.

Now, don't get it twisted. Khris is extremely demanding. That's a key part of the equation. But that's the only part that most people think about needing in a trainer--the stereotype of a drill-sergeant trainer. No, no, no. That's not what we have here. KBuddah is different.

Today we did a tough workout, but it included a few good new lessons: Patience and patience.

The first patience was a reminder lesson. Doing challenging push ups with knee tucks on sliders, I was reminded that I can take breaks or do whatever is necessary to be able to do them perfectly. It's better to take breaks than to worry about doing them without breaks and do them quickly with bad form. I only had to do 3 of them. It's important to try challenging things and do them well even if you only do a few. It builds patience and persistence.

The second patience was the opposite. I did some therapy on the foam roller to help my back, my posture and my knots. This patience was to relax and let things happen at their own pace. To not force. To just let my body find its way and let go. It's important to let your body open up on its own. To give it time.

I went to the doctor recently and she was amazed at my improvements because of my training. Fibro is a mysterious condition. She has recommended to her patients that they try training and tells them about me. We talked about how it is the deep muscle work that is the important part.

My training has been pretty miraculous. I look forward to even more improvements. The muscle work has really made a huge difference. But my Fibro Whisperer has made the real difference.

Fibromyalgia and Training

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