Saturday, August 24, 2019


Watching Rocketman gets more enjoyable each time. The music is the best part, of course, but it's really fun to see lessons and interesting comparisons between me and the people in the movie and to relive lots of things from that time period. I was a child of the 70s. My grade school years mirrored the 70s. I graduated 8th grade in 1978. So I was in 1st grade in 71, second grade in 72, etc.

I did get to experience the magic and freedom of the 70s, but as a kid instead of a teenager or adult. It was a great time to be alive! I distinctly remember listening to Elton John on 45s, and on the radio. I also remember that the older sister of my friend down the street had the Yellow Brick Road ALBUM! I remember the flamboyance of Elton. And I remember my name being in Crocodile Rock!

Something I noticed watching the film again at home is how much I relate to characters or people who are introverted and sensitive and yet have inner performers, artist and creators, and long for connection. I always thought I connected deeply to the Bernies, but I realize I also connect to the Eltons.

Those whom movies are made about tend to be very dramatic in the ways that those things manifested. For me, my subtle inner performer and creator came out in my classroom. I connected with my students through my creativity, art, music, and lots of different and somewhat flamboyant ways.

Something that really hit me this time watching Rocketman is that it's a good thing for me that I am not attracted to drinking or drugs as a coping mechanism, even though there is a strong genetic likelihood that I might be and I'm sure I used food as a drug from an early age.

Watching Elton connect with himself and forgive himself and love himself in the creative and surreal ending scene in the circle, I was struck by the words that he 'gave everything to keep something he never had in the first place' when referring to John. It was a very enlightened way of taking responsibility for everything he had not seen when it was happening.

And if only everyone could have a Bernie in their lives, the world would be a better place.

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