Sunday, July 15, 2018

My Come Back

Thank goodness I get my stitches out tomorrow afternoon. I am ready for my come back! My back is killing me after not being allowed to work out much during these 2 skin cancer surgery things.

I got a few massages. I hung out with Jack and swam a little. I went kayaking one day and I went for a walk yesterday. It felt really good to get outside and move and sweat but my hip hurt a little and my elbow. I'm not complaining; I'm just remembering.

I still am not feeling the type of muscle pain in my legs or arms or ribcage or neck that I used to feel, but just the beginning of some pain and fatigue and emotional instability returning makes me appreciate how far I have come and how much I like the changes I've made and how much I want to keep going.

My eating has stayed pretty clean during this rest time, but I have to go back into things knowing that I'm going to be starting over in many ways. I have to keep myself in check about any frustrations. I'm going to be tired. I'm going to be sore. I might be weaker. But that will all sort itself out and I will get better and better again.

Tomorrow is the start of my come back! I have sessions left at the yoga studio that I need to use this week because classes at the gym have changed and the classes I used to go to aren't offered anymore. There's still yoga on the weekends for me at the gym.

It will be so great when the KBuddah gym opens, but I don't want to wish away the summer. I need to get into a good routine before my new fall routine starts. I can walk, too. That can be a good summer activity to integrate with yoga and training.

Okay, where's the Rocky theme music?

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