Monday, June 4, 2018

My Trainer Gets Happy for Me!

Training is still the best thing that has happened to me in the last year and my trainer is the best person, friend and surprise to come into my world in a long, long, time. We have become friends and that is a great thing in and of itself. But this blog is about training. And I'm still surprised at times by how Khris gets happy for me and the progress I've made.

I forget sometimes and I wonder if I should be stronger or better at some things. My pushups are not very low. I get out of breath easily sometimes. My rope work isn't always the greatest. But I never do things half-heartedly. I give it my all in training.

In the classes, I have to pace myself, but in training, I give what I have. I listen. I pay attention. I try my best. I never want to disappoint Khris or myself.

When I think of trainers, I think of the stereotypical push, push, push. Khris is very demanding in the best way. But he is also so good to me. He told me today that if I need to skip class tomorrow to rest, that I should do that. I don't need to come just to feel "accomplished". I've been doing something every day for the last few weeks.

During training today, he asked me how many kettlebell swings I thought I could do if I really pushed through them. I said 40. He said he thought I could do 50. I tried and I doubled over and dropped at around 48. Tonight he texted me and said that was the highlight of the day. That he was so happy about that and I have come so far.

That was a great reminder to me. I forget sometimes that I have made a lot of progress. I forget that I'm not 20 years old anymore and I was really, really out of shape and sick and tired and in terrible pain and couldn't even get up off the floor without help. It feels really nice to have someone be happy for me.

Thank you, Khris, for being compassionate. Thank you for being demanding. Thank you for being attentive. Thank you for being creative. Thank you for being observant. Thank you for being mindful, passionate and diligent. And thank you so much for being happy for me.

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