Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder: Namaste

Breath, Pain and Serendipity

Training today was so much fun after being away from Khris for 10 whole days, while he was on vacation. I still worked out and did yoga while he was gone, but training is different.

Breaks are always helpful to put things in perspective and to give people fresh starts. This was the first time I had a break from Khris since last August. I missed him like crazy even though we still texted a little and posted on social media.

We had a good training session. I usually just do what I'm told and I don't ask a lot of questions or say a lot. But I remember once, Khris told me to ask him questions and tell him what's going on. I just don't like to complain or make it seem like I'm trying to distract, delay or lollygag.


Today we focused on some breathing with some of the movements and how it helped. I needed to inhale, brace and then exhale. I mentioned how I have bad breathing technique in yoga. When we are supposed to breathe into the belly, I have a hard time getting the breath down there.

As I demonstrated while explaining, Khris saw the problem right away. I try to inhale and then get the air to reach my belly. It doesn't work that way. You have to start your inhale from the belly. I still need to practice, but that helps me now. The way they explain it in yoga and meditation, confuses me; it sounds like they want the belly to rise last.


It's the little things. It's always the little things. Then he had me do several exercises and instead of focusing on the usual things, he focused on the breath. The inhale, brace and exhale. Clever, he is! During one exercise I mentioned where I felt the pain in my elbow. I knew he knew I had been icing my elbow.

He told me to keep icing it and to even use heat and knead the tendon when it was warm. I'm not a stranger to pain. It's interesting to have pain that is localized and has a cause. We talked about pain associated with training. He talked about how he trains us like athletes. That icing and foam rolling are good things to address the pain.

Not all pain is to be feared or babied. This kind of pain needs to be addressed. If you leave it alone, it gets comfortable. By icing it and heating it and kneading it, you're telling it that you don't want it there. You're telling it to get out.

We talked about some stuff I do in the classes. He has helped me get through the classes in many ways. These classes are different from the classes I was used to at my gyms or on DVDs. They are more training based and less follow the rhythm and pace of the instructor based. I was used to following steps.

These classes are circuit based and do one minute of things and don't have steps or rhythm at all. I have had to figure out how to pace myself because I tend to follow the music and sometimes that makes me go too fast, so  I have been using light weights. Khris told me today, no more light weights. He said use the 8 pound weights instead of the 5 pound weights and just follow my own rhythm.

He said if I have to take a break, take a break. If I have to go to half the beat, go to half the beat. I need to make up my own beat and inhale, brace, and exhale. If I pay attention to the inhale, brace, exhale, I can go at any rhythm and still be okay.  That's how you get better and challenge yourself.  I've added a riser to the step. Now I need to add extra weight. Just add extra little bits a little at a time.

That's the way I've attacked everything over the last year and a half. Just taking things a little at a time. Adding and changing things a little at a time. It really is the best way that makes things change and stay changed for the long-term. I really have felt so at ease during this whole process. I have felt confident. I haven't felt tortured or worried that I would backslide.


When Khris returned I had a gift for him and he had a gift for me. We both gave each other crystals. Stones. And we both had the information about the stones for each other.

Namaste: the light in me honors the light in you!

Even though I didn't go on vacation, I feel the light from your vacation, Khris! It's so good to have you back and I'm looking forward to summer with you! 

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