Friday, April 27, 2018

Yay for Yoga at the Gym!

Better late than never! I joined the gym last year to get yoga for cheaper than going to the yoga studio. But when I finally went to the gym with my yoga mat, there was a sign on the window that the yoga teacher had suddenly quit. That was the day I met Khris and signed up for personal training and my life changed so all in all things went the way they were supposed to go!

Then I went back to the yoga studio every once in a while on Wednesdays. The gym got a yoga teacher once for about 5 minutes. I went once and she was okay, but she didn't last long so it didn't matter. I love Samantha at the studio on Wednesdays, but I seemed to have dentist appointments and other things come up on Wednesdays that kept me away from yoga during the last few months. 

Then suddenly the gym got a new yoga teacher! And she has several classes throughout the week. Free yoga! I've started doing yoga again. And it's great! It's so centering and relaxing and destressing and magic! And this yoga teacher is lovely. And very yoga! I love yoga. I want yoga. I don't want gym yoga without the yoga. I want the Sanskrit words mixed in. I want the focus on the breath. I want yoga, damn it! 

This yoga teacher starts with a good minute or two centering and focusing on the breath. She also does one of my favorite things. She allows time to set an intention and she does an ohm. We don't have to join her, but most of the people do. It's such a nice vibration in the room. We end our practice with an ohm as well. 

It's the little things in yoga and in life that make things nice. She does adjustments and highlights options, modifications and the use of props . She stresses that we access 80% level of our poses and go for sensation and not pain. 

During shivasana, she comes around and holds her hands, which are scented with essential oils,  above our faces so we may breathe in the loveliness. She presses on our shoulders or lightly massages our arms for a moment or presses on our foreheads for just a split second. 

Never underestimate the little things in life! Yay for yoga! 

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