Thursday, October 12, 2017

Today's Training: Ruby Slippers

After my latest homework assignment, my trainer told me I was in my own prison, and I was right at the door to figuring out how to get out, but he wasn't going to tell me how. Through our workout and talking, I figured some things out. My sneakers turned into ruby slippers as I had the answers all along. I just needed to click my heels 3 times.

People toss around the term letting go very cavalierly, but letting go is is not as easy as just opening your fist and allowing something to drop out of it. It is one of the most important things we must learn to do in life though. And one of the most beautiful.

This has been a year of letting go for me in so many ways. I let go of my job with Undead Walking to focus more on myself. I'm letting go of my old eating habits and attachments to food as fun and love. I've let go of extra weight in more ways than one. I let go of old clothes and clutter and moved into a new apartment.

I'm letting go of emotions and pain that have been stored in my body and muscles for a long time and I didn't even know it.

The nicest thing that Khris has told me through this interesting process of wants and needs and friends, etc. has been that I'm enough! Most people tell me to get out and meet people and do more as if I need to compromise somehow. The way Khris talks to me is different.

Khris is my Glinda! He's always there for me. He watches over me.  He told me:  you have everything you need in you. You provide all your needs all by yourself. You don't need anyone else. So who cares if someone rejects you or doesn't provide what you want. Next. You know you are your own best friend already. You can go out and just experiment and try new things and have no fear because you know you are already the greatest thing that you need!

That makes it a lot easier for me to open my fist and let go! He's right! It's time for me to click my heels! I've been walking around in those ruby slippers long enough. I can walk right out of the prison cell. The door has been unlocked the whole time.

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