Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Throat Chakra

Our restorative yoga class today focused on the throat chakra. A little over a year ago, Khris gave me a stone that he picked for me and it was supposed to be helpful in balancing and opening the throat chakra.

At that time, I thought it was to help me open up and speak up more. I looked for signs about that in the last year. But I was looking for the wrong signs. I had the idea that the throat chakra was about speaking. Unconsciously, subconsciously or somewhere in me I was looking to open up in the wrong way.

When we think about using our voice more there is a misconception about getting louder. Telling people what we really think. Telling people off. Getting things off our chests. Not taking any shit. But that's not using our voice. That's misusing our voice.

If people used their voice like that with us, it wouldn't help us. We wouldn't understand them any better. We wouldn't want to listen to them. It wouldn't open communication.

We have to use our voice the way we would want to receive someone else's voice. With compassion. With love. With clarity.

Opening the throat chakra comes with breath. Breathing and speaking come from the same place. They help each other. Slow your breath and your speech slows as well. Your thoughts slow. Your heart and mind have time to express what you really want to express. Not what your emotions are tricking you into expressing to cloak your body for the moment.

Let the throat chakra remind me to breathe before I speak. To remember that the mind, the voice and the body all speak to me with words and without words. I need to listen. To listen to myself with compassion first and always speak to others the way I would want them to speak to me.

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