Monday, June 4, 2018

KBuddah Training: My Trainer’s Thoughts on The Warriors, LeBron and the NBA Finals

My trainer, Khris Argue, is a sports fan as well as a trainer. He enjoys watching collegiate sports, wrestling, basketball, football, and baseball as well as playing Ultimate Frisbee and recreational basketball.

He likes a wide variety of teams for a wide variety of reasons, including traditions, energy, logos, and fans. He is a a fan of the LA and California teams in general, but who he shows interest in changes according to players, not cities.

Right now, it's NBA basketball finals time. Khris has a California team in the finals that he loves: The Golden State Warriors. Even though he thinks the Cavs may win the championship, he wants the Warriors to win. He likes the entire Warriors team, even the bench.

If the Warriors weren't in it, he would want LeBron to get it. But he said because of the Warriors, he can't care about LeBron winning, he wants the Warriors to get it.

If the Cavs do win, Khris believes that coaching will make the difference. He thinks that poor coaching in game 1 prior to the overtime, when the players were emotional and rattled and needed to be rallied and focused, was a big factor in the Cavs not being able to regroup and shake off the mistakes.

Khris has tremendous respect for LeBron and what he has brought to the game of basketball. The word Khris used to describe LeBron's gift is adaptation. His monstrous abilities physically and mentally and his approach have changed everything.

People calling him a crybaby or a flopper is a direct result of his adaptation to the league because he plows through everyone and nobody can run into him with the same type of force because of how he is physically perceived so he has had to adapt.  LeBron can also play every position on the floor.

Khris also admires LeBron's character and called him the definition of a perfect human. He is a people person who doesn't flaunt his wealth and gives back to the community. You don't hear about scuffles or any garbage with LeBron. He speaks his mind. He's confident and matter-of-fact.

Someone once told Khris that training, strength and conditioning, have nothing to do with shooting baskets. As a trainer, Khris took a bit of exception with that philosophy.

He explained that strength and muscle work affect durability, precision, agility and stability. Conditioning affects how long you last. You know what's asked of you. It's your endurance. It's how you pace yourself and when you turn it on.

This is the first year that I've watched the basketball finals since I lived in Chicago and was watching the Bulls and listening to the fireworks outside my apartment. It's fun to get into sports again because I'm working with my trainer. I am enjoying getting to know some of these players and teams.

Based on verbal interview with Khris Argue on June 4th, 2018 

Get to know my trainer a little better. Read another interview with Khris.

Check out my trainer's website

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