Monday, April 9, 2018

Something inside you

This is going to be a really short post, but one I've been thinking about.

Sometimes you have to just find that something inside you and not always worry about what it is or try to figure it out. Some people can really articulate and point to what happened that got them motivated or can tell you why they have always been motivated. For me, often things happen in a mysterious, mystical way and I can't explain it.

For me, it has to be more nebulous and less concrete. But it really has to be for me. And once I decide, I know I've decided. Something that was reinforced to me recently is that no matter how much you think that it will feel great to get reinforcement from others, it will never come in the way you think it will and it will never be enough to keep you going.

Some people may notice. Some people may not notice. Some people may notice and not say anything. People will never notice as much as you think they will or think they should. And even if they do, it's not what will keep you going.

I have to continually do things that make me happy and make decisions that keep me in the moment and focusing on enjoying the process. If I slip and think I'm going to be happy from faster or bigger results or what other people notice or say to me, I will inevitably be disappointed.

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