Friday, November 10, 2017

Bursting with Joy

When my little nephew came to my new apartment after I sold my townhouse when I retired from teaching  and moved on up to the suburbs on the West side (haha), he told me it was bursting with joy! His body was bursting with joy as he gave me that news!

When I first started working out, I had some odd and random emotional releases in the way of crying and sadness and unfortunate bursts of hurt feelings and crying for really no reason.

My trainer and my doctor figured that they were from the release of just everything that had been held in the muscles that are now breaking down and rebuilding in better, stronger, healthier ways.

These emotional releases went away after awhile until today. I had a great workout, as always. But my legs were nice and wobbly at the end. On my way out to my car, I just started crying. But this emotional release wasn't sad or crabby or filled with hurt feelings about anything.

I was bursting with joy. When I started exercising back in August,  I was doing it to enhance my weight loss and trying to do more with my life. I never in a million years imagined that what has happened would happen. People talk about how important setting goals is in life. But goals are too small. They aren't enough. They are just the beginning.

I had to go back into the gym and tell Khris that he has changed my life and that it's not just exercise to me. He has given me my life back. I could lose all the weight in the world and it wouldn't have taken the pain away or given me the happiness and energy the way that his personality and his training has done for me.

In true Khris fashion, he just said that's good and he's happy and he hugged me. But he was not surprised in the least, which makes me love him even more. He calls me a unicorn, but he's a unicorn, too. You don't meet people that have that kind of caring and passion about what they do every day. I'm so grateful that I met him.

I truly believe that he was sent to me by the universe.

My muscles were letting go of lots of pain in their previous emotional releases. But now when I cry it's because my muscles are bursting with joy!

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