Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Slowing Down

I've had signs coming at me from everywhere lately telling me I need to slow down. Slow down? You don't do shit, Susie! No, no, no! That's not what slowing down means!!

I've been listening to the signs and slowing down and I am feeling the benefits!

As the song from the 70s said, sign, sign everywhere a sign!! (that song had a different meaning about the signs, but I'm choosing my meaning!)

I've been slowing down. Getting back to routine. Training in the morning. Going to bed a little earlier. Making my bed. Doing restorative yoga. Reading. Noticing. Pausing.

Slowing down is not just in actions, it's in reactions. It's in the in between. It's in the mundane. The routine. The daily life. Slowing down isn't for vacation. It's for pacing.

It's like Curly from City Slickers spend 50 weeks getting knots in your rope and then you expect two weeks up here will untie them. Slowing down unties the knots as you make them. I've seen how knotted rope has hurt me in my past--growing up, as a teacher and even now.

Most importantly, slowing down has helped me reflect and feel gratitude for the ability to be able to keep a routine that will help me.

My routine is much slower than what is normal for most people and what is culturally acceptable and valuable. But I am in a place where I can thrive with it and even move into a new and exciting life with it.

I can slow down for huge gains in mind, body and soul. Thank you for all the signs!

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