Friday, October 19, 2018


Last year when I first started training and getting to know Khris a little bit, I remember him telling me something about how he was working with someone to create a logo for his brand, KBuddah, and he talked to me a little about some things he wanted to do in the future.

I can't even remember how it happened over time, but we became better friends. Training became even more awesome. KBuddah shirts became my uniform!

This past summer took a whole new turn when I was allowed to be part of creating a new home for KBuddah Training: a new gym that has its own warmth and soul.

Just yesterday, I was one of the first people to actually train in the new gym. It was such a great experience. Khris called it calm excitement. That is exactly what I felt. I could tell he was perfectly at home in his new environment. An environment that he created for us and for him to be able to help us. But I could tell that on the inside, he was really happy to be there.

It's just the beginning for KBuddah. I'm so happy that I could be here for the beginning. That I could see it be created from the idea that had been in his head from before I knew him. I'm so happy to know that there is so much more to come.

Congratulations to my friend and my trainer, Khris, KBuddah! I'm so happy for you and for all of the people that get to be helped by you and welcomed into the magic.


  1. Im so glad you've had this amazing journey. You look like a new person Susie, you're hard work & dedication has really paid off. I bet you're feeling a little better too.
    Congrats Khris on your new journey with the gym,& helping to change many more lives. Both of you are very inspiring.

    1. Thank you, Tracy! I feel like a new person! And it's going to be even more fun in the new place!

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